The i2k Retina software is widely used by academic and industry researchers including medical institutions such as:
Scholarly and Medical Citations

Some of the medical research papers that have cited the use of i2k Retina software.
Elnahry AG, Ramsey DJ. Automated Image Alignment for Comparing Microvascular Changes Detected by Fluorescein Angiography and Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography in Diabetic Retinopathy. Seminars in Ophthalmol. November 2021 ;36(8):757-764. doi: 10.1080/08820538.2021.1901122. PMID: 33784213. [Website]
Giacomo M. Bacci, Elisa Marziali, Sara Bargiacchi, Michel Paques, Gianni Virgili, Pina Fortunato, Marine Durand, Camilla Rocca, Angelica Pagliazzi, Viviana Palazzo, Lucia Tiberi, Debora Vergani, Samuela Landini, Angela Peron, Rosangela Artuso, Bianca Pacini, Monica Stabile, Andrea Sodi & Roberto Caputo "Multimodal phenotyping of foveal hypoplasia in albinism and albino-like conditions: a pediatric case series with adaptive optics insights", Nature, July 2024
[ website ]
- Zhaojie Fang, Zhanghao Chen, Pengxue Wei, Wangting Li, Shaochong Zhang, Ahmed Elazab, Gangyong Jia, Ruiquan Ge, and Changmiao Wanga "UWAT-GAN: Fundus Fluorescein Angiography Synthesis via Ultra-wide-angle Transformation Multi-scale GAN" ResearchGate, July 2023 [website] [pdf]
- Ayman G. Elnahry; David J Ramsey "Automated Image Alignment for Comparing Microvascular Changes Detected by Fluorescein Angiography and Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography in Diabetic Retinopathy" Seminars in Ophthalmology, 2021 March. [website]
Mariana A. Oliveira; Emmanuel Neves; João Pedro Marques "Genetic, Anatomical, and Functional Correlation of Sector Retinitis Pigmentosa", JAMA Ophthalmol. 2020;138(6):e193133. doi:10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2019.3133 [website]
- Maarjaliis Paavo, Winston Lee, Rando Allikmets, Stephen Tsang, and Janet R.
Sparrow "Photoreceptor cells as a source of fundus autofluorescence in recessive Stargardt disease"
Journal of Neuroscience Research, 2019 January.
- Aqsa Ajaz, Behzad Aliahmad, Himeesh Kumar, Marc Sarossy, and Dinesh K. Kumar
"Agreement study between color and IR retinal images based on retinal vasculature morphological parameters"
2019 [website]
Tyson N. Kim, et al. "A Smartphone-Based Tool for Rapid, Portable, and Automated Wide-Field Retinal Imaging" Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2018 Sep; 7(5): 21. [website]
Roberts PK, Nesper PL, Gill MK, Fawzi AA. "Semiautomated Quantitative Approach To Characterize Treatment Response In Neovascular Age-related Macular Degeneration:: A Real-World Study." Retina (Philadelphia, Pa.).> 2017 Aug;37(8):1492-1498. DOI: 10.1097/iae.0000000000001400.
Soetikno BT, Shu X, Liu Q, et al. "Optical coherence tomography angiography of retinal vascular occlusions produced by imaging-guided laser photocoagulation" Biomed Opt Express. 2017;8(8):3571-3582. doi:10.1364/BOE.8.003571 (2017)
Nesper PL, Scarinci F, Fawzi AA. "Adaptive Optics Reveals Photoreceptor Abnormalities in Diabetic Macular Ischemia." PLOS ONE 12(1): e0169926. (2017)
Samir N. Patel, MD; Michael A. Klufas, MD; Christina E. Douglas, BA; et al., "Influence of Computer-Generated Mosaic Photographs on Retinopathy of Prematurity Diagnosis and Management" J.A.M.A. Opththmol , 2016.
D. J. Ramsey, J. S. Sunness, et al. "Automated Image Alignment And Segmentation To Follow Progression Of Geographic Atrophy In Age-Related Macular Degeneration." Retina (Philadelphia, Pa.) (2014).
T. Duncker, W. Lee, et al. "Distinct Characteristics of Inferonasal Fundus Autofluorescence Patterns in Stargardt Disease and Retinitis Pigmentosa." Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 54.10 (2013): 6820-6826.
D. K. Kumar, B. Aliahmad, et al., "A Method for Visualization of Fine Retinal Vascular Pulsation Using Nonmydriatic Fundus Camera Synchronized with Electrocardiogram", ISRN Ophthalmology, 2013.
[ pdf ] [ website ]
B. Aliahmad, D.K. Kumar, et al., "Does fractal properties of retinal vasculature vary with cardiac cycle?", Biosignals and Biorobotics Conference (BRC), 2013. [ website ]
S. O. Hansen, R. F. Cooper, et al., "Selective Cone Photoreceptor Injury in Acute Macular Neuroretinopathy", Ophthalmic Communications Society, 2013. [ website ]
K. Gocho, V. Sarda, et al., "Adaptive Optics Imaging of Geographic Atrophy", Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 2013. [ website ]
T. A. Mendel, E. B. D. Clabough, et al., "Pericytes Derived from Adipose-Derived Stem Cells Protect against Retinal Vasculopathy", PLoS ONE, 2013. [ pdf ] [ website ]
H. Hao, M. B. Sasongko, et al., "Does Retinal Vascular Geometry Vary with Cardiac Cycle?", Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 2012. [ pdf ] [ website ]
N. B. Patel, J. L. Wheat, et al., "Agreement between retinal nerve fiber layer measures from Spectralis and Cirrus spectral domain OCT.", Optomology Visual Science, 2012. [ pdf ] [ website ]
M. E. Pennesi, K. V. Michaels, et al., "Long-Term Characterization of Retinal Degeneration in rd1 and rd10 Mice Using Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography", Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 2012. [ pdf ] [ website ]
N. B. Patel, B. Garcia, et al., "Influence of Anterior Segment Power on the Scan Path and RNFL Thickness Using SD-OCT", Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 2012. [ pdf ] [ website ]
P. Godaraa, R. F. Cooper, et al., "Assessing Retinal Structure in Complete Congenital Stationary Night Blindness and Oguchi Disease", American Journal of Ophthalmology, 2012. [website]
J. Chen, S. Ausayakhun, et al., "Comparison of Autophotomontage Software Programs in Eyes with CMV Retinitis", Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 2011. [ pdf ] [ website ]
N. B. Patel, X. Luo, et al., "Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Assessment: Area versus Thickness Measurements from Elliptical Scans Centered on the Optic Nerve", Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 2011. [ pdf ] [ website ]
H. Hao, D.K Kumar, et al., "Improved retinal photography method and visualization of multiple retinal images", Computer Applications and Industrial Electronics (ICCAIE), 2011 IEEE International Conference on, 2011. [ website ]
P. Godara, C. Siebe, et al., "Assessing the Photoreceptor Mosaic Over Drusen Using Adaptive Optics and SD-OCT", Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging, 2011. [ pdf ] [ website ]
D. A. Nelson, Z. Burgansky-Eliash, et al., "High-resolution wide-field imaging of perfused capillaries without the use of contrast agent", Clinical Ophthalmology, 2011. [ pdf ] [ website ]
R. F. Cooper, A. M. Dubis, et al., "Spatial and temporal variation of rod photoreceptor reflectance in the human retina", Biomed Opt Express, 2011. [ pdf ] [ website ]
A. M. Pavaskar, "Tools for creating wide-field views of the human retina using Optical Coherence Tomography", Master's Theses (2009 -), 2011. [ pdf ] [ website ]
J. T. McAllistera, A. M. Dubis, et al., "Arrested development: High-resolution imaging of foveal morphology in albinism", Vision Research, 2010. [ website ]